Our mission is to reduce 1GT of CO2 by supporting clean energy projects
We started Dyme because we’ve seen firsthand what happens when clean air isn’t guaranteed. Whether it’s the devastating forest fires that have become all too common in California or cities where pollution leaves millions with breathing problems, the cost of inaction is clear—and it’s rising.
But we actually have a solution that’s as powerful as it is simple: the Sun. Every day, the Sun provides us with enough energy to power our world many times over. All we have to do is convert that into electricity.
Now, that sounds simple, but the real challenge in getting endless free electricity is that the solar panels and electricity lines all need significant investments upfront.
In the early days of Dyme, we joked about what could happen if we took Apple’s dividends ($15.5B in 2024) and used them to fund the planet’s transition to clean energy. It was a nice thought, but Apple’s investors probably wouldn’t be thrilled! So, instead, we decided to create these “dividends for the planet” by using commissions and rebates behind every financial transaction and using them as a source of funding.
That way, everyone could be involved without spending a dime (nope, the domain wasn’t available) doing what you want to do.

Travel + Clean Energy = Climate Impact
Quite simply, because we love to travel. The world is an amazing place – from the cities we’ve built to the cultures developed over millions of years to the forests and ice and oceans. Travel deepens our appreciation for the world and reminds us why we must protect it—not destroy it.
But there’s another reason: travel is a massive, global industry that involves millions of people. There are roughly 3.8 billion hotel room nights stayed in every year. Each trip generates financial flows like commissions, rebates, and fees. By redirecting just a small part of this financial flow into clean energy projects, we can fund meaningful change at scale.
The Nuts and Bolts
So, here’s how it all come’s together. When you book a trip through Dyme, we earn a small commission. Instead of pocketing all the profits, we use them to fund solar energy projects that create all that clean, affordable electricity.
Here’s the best part: our hotel partners love what we do, and they offer us fantastic rates. And our solar projects generate revenue by selling the electricity they produce. Between great rates from our partners and revenue from our solar investments, we can offer you cheaper rates! And the better our rates, the hope is that more people choose us – and the flywheel continues.
So, Dyme turns the “green premium” on its head – we make “Green Savings” possible to everyone.
But Why Solar?
We often get asked why we don’t plant trees instead. We love trees (who doesn’t?!), but solar energy has some qualities that make it even more impactful:
Prevention Beats Cleanup: Trees are great for removing CO2 from the air, but it’s better not to put that into the air to start with! Solar is an unbelievably clean energy source – especially compared to burning coal or gas.
Abundant and Free: The Sun provides us with more energy daily than we could ever use.
Cheaper Energy for Everyone: Over the life of a solar panel, solar is actually the cheapest source of electricity available. It lowers energy costs for families, businesses, and communities, benefiting people beyond the climate.
Massive Scalability: Solar is a proven technology that is quite easy to deploy. We don’t have much time to decarbonize the world, so we’d rather bet on scaling a proven technology quickly.
That doesn’t mean we won’t support other technologies, but our primary focus is solar.
1 million travelers with Dyme would avoid as much CO2 as planting 91 million trees - every year
What We Can Do Together?
Here’s some math. Each year, there are an estimated 3.8 billion hotel room nights occupied globally and 4.5 billion air passengers. If just 1 million travelers—a tiny tiny fraction —were to book their trips through Dyme, we could support between 1,250 MW and 2,142 MW of solar capacity. This would reduce CO₂ emissions by approximately 1.48 million to 2.54 million tons annually.
All big numbers. But here’s another way of framing it: 1 million travelers with Dyme would avoid as much CO2 as planting 91 million trees annually.
Let’s do it!