How do you calculate Dyme Dividends?

When you buy a Dyme gift card, shop with our Chrome extension, or link a card, you’re letting merchants know you’re a Dyme member and care about climate change. Merchants want to incentivize you to shop more with them and will pay us commissions to make you and other Dyme members loyal supporters of their business. We also sometimes get discounts to encourage you to shop at a merchant and, in part, when we negotiate bulk deals (like Costco does!).

All those small commissions and rebates are how we make money as a company. We take a part of our profits (the money left after we’ve paid taxes, salaries, and operating costs) and invest them in solar energy projects.

Dyme Dividends are climate reward points, with 1000 Dyme Dividends representing 86lbs of CO2 removed. We get different commissions depending on which brand you spend at. This means shopping at some brands results in us being able to invest more in solar projects and hence have more CO2 removed, and you earn more Dyme Dividends.

For more calculations on how CO2 reductions are calculated, take a look at this blog.

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